Starlight Children’s Foundation Campaign Puts the Giving into Thanksgiving – x 12

Next week is Thanksgiving. I’m sure many of you on social media this month have noticed various persons and/or organizations highlighting their very special “30 Days of Thanks” posts daily. While I didn’t participate this season in that campaign online, I’ve been reflecting personally and giving thanks in my own little world for the big and small things that I’m grateful for as they cross my path. I do my best year-round to focus on gratitude though. It keeps me positive and others around me upbeat, too (not to mention that it’s also a great way to teach T by example).

But what about giving? Normally we Americans don’t heavily market or emphasize the giving and gifting parts of the holidays until the day AFTER Thanksgiving (Black Friday and Small Business Saturday, anyone?), which is weird considering that the word Thanksgiving contains two sentiments: Thanks and Giving. Yes, there’s that “giving thanks” thing going on for sure, but for the sake of argument, please consider both terms separately for just a moment.


Enter the Starlight Children’s Foundation and their wonderful campaign that kicks off today called the 12 Days of Giving. The way it works is that each day through Tuesday December 3 (2013) (AKA “Giving Tuesday” worldwide), Starlight will feature a hospital’s wish list from their vast database so that anyone interesting in giving to worthy causes this holiday season can get connected with a group in need locally, directly, easily, and quickly.


Today, I’m here to share Miller Children’s Hospital Long Beach’s (MCHLB) online Starlight wish list. I’ve blogged many times about MCHLB before, so I’m happy that Starlight asked me to feature them on the blog today as they kicks off this worthy campaign. As you can see after clicking on MCHLB’s list, there’s a wide variety of toys, arts and crafts, movies, and other basic creature comforts and baubles that have been wished for that we likely already have and take for granted given that we’re (hopefully) not spending the holidays in a hospital. And it’s not just that we’re not spending the holidays in a hospital, but for most reading this, we’re not kids nor are OUR KIDS spending our holidays in a hospital. Think about that just for a second and then let it sink in.

OK, I hope that got your attention if nothing else has, RMT’ers. If so, why not be a super-duper giver this season and check out MCHLB’s dedicated section for urgently needed items.


But really, whatever you feel you can give to the kids and staff at MCHLB, it’s all good. No, actually, it’s fantastic. MCHLB will thank you for giving at any level and any time, so why not do it right now? Take a few minutes out of your day today and click here if you’re ready to make wishes come true here in Long Beach (CA) this holiday season.


About Starlight Children’s Foundation: Over the past 30 years, Starlight Children’s Foundation has become a leading global charity that partners with experts to improve the life and health of kids and families around the world. Collaborating with experts in pediatric healthcare, entertainment, and technology, Starlight provides a unique blend of family-centered programs and services from hospital to home. Starlight partners with more than 1,750 healthcare facilities and every major pediatric hospital in Australia, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, serving millions of children every year. For more information on other specialty programs run by Starlight, you can check out Starbright World, Starlight Fun Center, and Starlight Tablets. To find a hospital in your area to support year-round, please go to the Starlight Children’s Foundation website. They’ve made it so easy to put smiles on local kids’ faces, not to mention your own.


ALSO, ANOTHER MCHLB UPDATE: Holiday Auxiliary Faire a Seasonal Success!

I had the pleasure of attending the Miller Children’s Hospital Long Beach (MCHLB) Holiday Auxiliary Fair earlier this month, so I just thought I’d share a few photos from my morning there with you now!

Earlier this month, MCHLB turned its auditorium into a Holiday Faire stuffed with stockings and other gift ideas for anyone on your lists this season.

Earlier this month, MCHLB turned its auditorium into a Holiday Faire stuffed with stockings and other gift ideas for anyone on your lists this season.

The Grand Prize raffle basket stocked with local restaurant, spa, and store gift cards and certificates, along with other lovely additions, came in at a value close to $600! Congrats to the lucky winner whoever you are!

I was fascinated with this demonstration, so much so I bought a few to give as gifts this holiday season. I'm not telling exactly what it is for fear of blowing the cover off a few surprises, if I haven't already.

I was so captivated by this demo that I bought a few of whatever he was selling to give as gifts this holiday season. I’m not telling exactly what it is for fear of blowing the cover off a few surprises, if I haven’t already I mean!

I didn’t win any of the awesome prize raffles or other silent auction items that were given away over the two-day event, but I did come home with some great gifts for those in my life this holiday season, all while shopping local vendors and giving back to the kids and staff at MCHLB at the same time.

Great to see you again, Colin Egglesfield!

Great to see you again, Colin Egglesfield!

Shout Out! not only sold shirts during the MCHLB Holiday Faire, but they also put an item into the silent auction mix. Sadly, I didn't win, but I hope whomever did enjoys their new fun T-shirts!

Shout Out! not only sold shirts during the MCHLB Holiday Faire, but they also put an item into the silent auction mix. Sadly, I didn’t win, but I hope whoever did enjoys their new, fun T-shirts!

And as an added bonus, I even managed to run into Colin Egglesfield at the event! I honestly had no clue he’d be there, RMT’ers (trust me, I might have dressed up or something if I did!), but what a great surprise and a wonderful testimony of his dedication to his Shout Out! Clothing line! But he wasn’t just there promoting Shout Out! He also stuck around for the afternoon to read to the kids of MCHLB as part of his educational and other community outreach efforts. Thanks again for all you do for the kids, Colin, both in and out of the hospital!